Dog coughing is common among dogs yet it is not a life-threatening disease that you need to be having sleepless nights about but then proper care needs to be taken to prevent your pet from contracting this infection.
If you have more than one dog and you find out that one of them is coughing it is advisable to isolate the affected pet from the other reason is that the disease is very contagious it can easily be transferred from one dog to the other.
It is an air-born disease thus you have to always observe your pet and if you notice any traits of cough it is advisable to urgently take the necessary steps in curbing the situation before it spread to other of your dogs.
Some dogs when affected by this illness will cough for a very long time, some will take a whole day while others will last up to a week to three weeks,
There is some constant coughing noises being displayed by the dog as a result of the disease that will irritate both the owner as well as the dog.
As noted earlier the disease is air born and thus can be transferred to other dogs just the way transferring cold from one person to another in humans.
Since it is a communicable disease, for dog coughing, it is vital to separate him from others and he should be confined to his cage or another room where proper care should be given.
He should be left there until all the symptoms and signs of the ailments have been cured before such a dog is released to join others. In a serious case visiting the veterinarian is the best option where medications and drugs will be given to the pet.
Major reasons responsible for dog coughing
A lot of dog owners do not know what are the main causes or reasons why their pet coughs or what is responsible for catching such illness, here are a few points to note which are likely factors why they have this ailment.
Kennel cough is a dog cough disease that affects the respiratory system of the pet it is one of the main causes of the cough and is very contagious. Such a case should not be overlooked, thus if left alone can result in acute chronic dog cough
Allergies are another reason why dogs cough, dogs react to different types of allergies such as food allergies, skin allergies even environment and chemicals they react to them which can as well lead to coughing
thus not all cases whereby you find your dog coughing means that he has the disease it could be a result of the type of allergy he is reacting to.
Smoke, pollen, perform, grasses etc are all substances that can aggravate coughing in dogs. Frequent diseases such as fever and other bacteria or virus infections, and parasites present in the dog's body can as well result in cough in dogs.