Dog sneezing is common with dogs they often do sneeze that does not mean they are been affected by any form of illness but in a condition whereby the sneezing becomes rampant and continued for a very long time then you know that this is not just ordinary something must be wrong with the pet hence you have to take a proper look out the pet to find out why such condition persists.
Causes of dog sneezing
Allergies are one of the main reasons for frequent sneezing in most dogs they could be reacting to the presence of dust, pollen, and grasses around, and the presence of cigarette smoke can as well cause allergy in some dogs thereby making them sneeze.
Another cause is an infection when they have an infection they constantly sneeze, this infection does affect the nose which may cause a running nose such infection includes fungus and bacteria if not treated might lead to other chronic ailments.
Tooth problem is another cause of these symptoms since the tooth is connected with the nose when there is any form of infection in the tooth it will certainly affect the nose this is manifested by the constant sneezing of the dog
An intranasal tumour is another reason why dogs sneeze often in a case the dog sneezes out blood from his nose this condition become worsens as it progresses the remedy is that the dog needs to be treated for an intranasal tumour either by undergoing surgery or with chemotherapy.
Another common cause of sneezing in dogs is a result of foreign bodies present in their nostril which cause them to produce discharge from their nose, thus often a time dogs can get rid of this object from their nose by sneezing.
If you find out that your dog has this symptom listed above, visiting the vet if such symptoms continue is the best option because this could be a sign of other forms of illness present that is showing up in form of sneezing thus you have to watch his feeding habit and liveliness to know if there are other illnesses in the body of the pet that is resulting into sneezing.
Make sure that other substances that may result in allergy in the pet are removed from the environment, chemical substances, dust and toxins suspected will make the dog sneeze should be removed.