Parvovirus in dogs also known as pavo is found in dogs, especially puppies that are within the age of 3 to 6 months of age. This virus was first noticed in the early ’70s whereby thousands of dogs were killed during the outbreak this virus makes it a case of urgency for the vet to carry out research. Hence vaccines have been developed to prevent such sickness. Since the vaccines have been developed there has been a a reduced rate of puppies or dogs dying as a result of this disease. Parvovirus in dogs is a fatal illness that is very contagious, this virus on its own has a high ability to survive in any condition and environment, thus it can stay active for as long as two years in an environment. Thus you can find it in any places like in the dust bin, grasses, playing filed, dogs cage, objects such as human shoes etc they can as well survivor in a very hot temperature environment as well as cool temperature area thus they don’t die easily. They have stick bodies which mak...
Dog sneezing is common with dogs they often do sneeze that does not mean they are been affected by any form of illness but in a condition whereby the sneezing becomes rampant and continued for a very long time then you know that this is not just ordinary something must be wrong with the pet hence you have to take a proper look out the pet to find out why such condition persists. Causes of dog sneezing Allergies are one of the main reasons for frequent sneezing in most dogs they could be reacting to the presence of dust, pollen, and grasses around, and the presence of cigarette smoke can as well cause allergy in some dogs thereby making them sneeze. Another cause is an infection when they have an infection they constantly sneeze, this infection does affect the nose which may cause a running nose such infection includes fungus and bacteria if not treated might lead to other chronic ailments. Tooth problem is another cause of these symptoms since the tooth is connected with the nose wh...